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Historical Timeline of Cannabis Use

Ancient Beginnings (c. 5000 BCE - 500 BCE)

The earliest recorded use of cannabis dates back to ancient civilizations. In Asia, it was used for its psychoactive properties in religious ceremonies and as an herbal medicine. Archeological evidence suggests that the Chinese utilized hemp seeds and oil for food and later for making textiles, ropes, and paper.


Classical Antiquity (500 BCE - 500 CE)

Cannabis spread to the Middle East, India, and then to Africa and Europe. The Greeks and Romans were aware of its medicinal properties. In India, it was celebrated as one of the "five sacred plants." In many cultures, cannabis played a role in religious and spiritual rituals.


Medieval and Islamic Golden Age (500 CE - 1500 CE)

In the medieval Islamic world, scholars wrote extensively about the therapeutic benefits of cannabis. It was used widely across the Middle East and North Africa for its analgesic, antiemetic, and antiepileptic properties. Hemp continued to be a valuable crop in Europe for its fiber.


The Age of Exploration (1500 CE - 1700 CE)

The Spanish brought cannabis to the New World. It was cultivated mainly for its usefulness as hemp in creating ropes and sails. Colonists in North America grew hemp extensively, and it became a staple crop.


The Modern Era (1700 CE - 1900 CE)

In the 19th century, cannabis extracts became popular in Western medicine for a range of ailments. Hemp remained a crucial resource. Cannabis began to be regulated in various countries by the end of the century due to rising concerns about its psychoactive effects.


The Prohibition Period (1900 CE - 1990s)

The 20th century saw a significant shift with the prohibition and criminalization of cannabis, beginning with the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act in the United States. This era was marked by strict regulations and the War on Drugs, significantly impacting public perception and research.


The Renaissance of Cannabis (1990s - Present)

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the medical potential of cannabis gained recognition, leading to legalization for medicinal use in various countries. Research into cannabinoids expanded, and the legalization movement gained momentum, resulting in legal recreational use in several regions.


The Future of Cannabis (Present and Beyond)

The global attitude towards cannabis is changing, with a growing recognition of its therapeutic benefits and industrial value. As we move forward, cannabis continues to be a subject of significant interest, research, and debate, signaling a new chapter in its long and complex history.

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